Video Collections
Anchored by Ted Koppel and featuring the production talents of a number of Nightline veterans, this award-winning program included 11 episodes over three years (1988-1990). Typically in a documentary format, though also including town hall debates, The Koppel Report explored in-depth many of the major events of the day, and in the process documented not only the primary historical record of events, but also reflected how those events were perceived and contextualized as they happened. The collection contains all 11 episodes of The Koppel Report: Billion Dollar Pie; Blue X Conspiracy; DC/Divided City; Death of a Dictator; Drugs, Crime and Doing Time; National Town Meeting on the Legalization of Drugs; News from Earth; Sex in the Soviet Union; Television: Revolution in a Box; A Town Meeting with Nelson Mandela; and Tragedy at Tiananmen: The Untold Story.
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